- Application Registration
- Admit Card Generation
- Slot Scheduling
Computer based testing platform has transformed the process of exam delivery. By ensuring a simple, quicker and secure way, the test taker experience will also change. Technologically equipped infrastructure ensured a quality testing experience. The test can be administered in the desired frequency with complete integrity and security of exam. Our immaculate testing solutions through Computer Based Test (CBT) can cater to all kinds of exams including Distance Learning, Entrance Exams, Internal Exams, Scholarship Tests, Quiz Competitions and Recruitment Exams.
Computerized Evaluation
Satisfied Clients
Test Centers across the Globe
Level 3 Certified
ISO 9001:27001
A robust & scalable examination solution that touches all the aspects of Computer Based Test
In this video tutorial we introduce how CBT test will help you to save your time and money. Also, watch how we work and take that responsibility seriously during the computer based test.
System Freeze, Internet Connection Disable, Monitor the activity on each system, Enable Firewalls, Frisking, Question Shuffling.
CCTV Surveillance, Voice Recording in the duration of the exam.
System captures image of the applicant during examination process.
Biometric verification such as fingerprints, hand geometry, voice waves, and signatures to prevent cheating in a CBT test.
Flexibility of scheduling and rescheduling.
Ensure the validity, reliability, and defensibility of high-stakes tests and exams.
Seamlessly translate, manage, and deliver multilingual assessments.
Efficiently create quizzes, tests, and exams with direct word format uploading.